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Oracle DBA(시스템 유지보수) in Multinational insurance company
회사명 (주)코리아리크루트
대표자 김덕원
사원수 미입력
자본금 미입력

모집직종 IT/정보통신/인터넷>시스템분석/설계
근무지역 서울 영등포구
담당업무 Oracle DBA (시스템 유지보수)
모집인원 1명
근무형태 신입· 1~3년
급여사항 면접시 협의

성별 무관
나이 무관
학력 무관
경력 3년


[Company Status]
This Company, the market leading insurance in the world

[JOB Title]
Oracle DBA (시스템 유지보수)

[Technical Qualification]
- 3 + years Oracle server Administration experience required( 대리급).
- Experience with performance tuning(include query) and optimization, monitoring and troubleshooting.
- Must have Sybase knowledge and experience.
- Ability to organize and plan work independently.
- Perform scheduled maintenance and support release deployment activities after hours.
- Financial or insurance industry experience is a plus.

[Number of roles] 1

Detail : 1 year Fixed Term. English not required.

[Salary Range] Negotiable

[Location] Seoul, Youido

[Apply a Position]
Please send your English resume(Documents/ CVs must be written in English)A.S.A.P (MS word only)by E-mail top@topheadhunter.co.kr
* The title of E-mail should be Oracle DBA in Multinational insurance company
* All submitted documents will be treated with highly confidential manner.
Thank you for your interest. 

접수방법 및 담당자
접수기간 채용시
접수방법 이메일, 온라인접수
담당자 담당자
연락처 02-555-7234
이메일 top@topheadhunter.co.kr
회사주소 [01857] 서울 노원구 동일로179길 14 (공릉동, 화성빌딩)